Stephanie Nelson

Freelance Writer

Stephanie Nelson has worked with KCL since 2016, learning all kinds of things about how to save money while learning the ins and outs of how stores approach couponing. She prides herself on trying to sound as much like Joanie and Heather as possible when writing content. In addition to her many years at KCL, sheโ€™s a published fiction author.

Bargain-Hunting Background

Stephanie loves travel hacks. Sheโ€™s not only used lots of them from KCL for her family, but sheโ€™s also written quite a few, including ways to save money at Disney and Six Flags. Stephanie also has done many deep dives into Back to School savings.ย 

Editorial Experience

Stephanie was the first Editorial Lead at KCL, and has served as a writer and editor for years, pitching, writing, and finessing Tips content โ€” and helping create the unique KCL style. Sheโ€™s most proud of the Bath and Body works hacks article she wrote years ago because of how much it resonated with readers.

In addition to her role with the krazies, she has worked as a company copywriter and a freelance writer and editor.


B.A., University of Washington