-Softsoap Body Butter, 2/$1.99 Rite Aid coupons, 2/.75 off Softsoap from SS9/18 ($1.25 each)
-Irish Spring, 2/$1.99 Rite Aid coupons, 2/$1 off Irish Spring body wash from SS9/18 ($1 each)
-Lady Speed Stick, 2/.99 Rite Aid coupons, 2/.50 off Lady Speed Stick coupons from SS9/18 (.50 each)
-Speed Stick Gear, 1/$1.99 Rite Aid coupon, 1/$2 off Speed Stick Gear from coupons.com (Free!)
-Sleed Stick, 2/.99 Rite Aid coupon, 2/.50 off Speed Stick coupons from SS9/18 (.50 each)

Subtotal before tax: $6.41
Total with tax and donation: $9
First time at Rite Aid = SUCCESS!!

The opinions expressed in this brag do not necessarily reflect the views of Krazy Coupon Lady.