ok so hello and i have been on this site a million times and just now signed up…weird i know.  I wanted to say thanks to you ladys for all you do.  also i wanted to say something about the domino sugar coupon….i know know if i should have done it but i tried this out and it worked repetally for me (sorry bad speller as you can tell) anyways the coupon is for $2.00 off one thing of domino (LIGHT) product.  it does not specify what kind of domino like just anything.  SO i grabed a few boxes of domino (LIGHT) brown sugar (.94 each box) I made a proffit of 1.06 for every box that i got. I made sure to have other items in my cart along with this so there was no debate over giving me money back we all know how tight walmart can be.  just thought i would share my extra surprise with that coupon.  Thanks

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