Sorry there’s no pic but I’m doing this threw my phone so can’t put a pic right now

For my first brag I think I did a good job this is what I bought:

Schick razor -$13.49
Lysol hand soap dispenser- $8.30
2 ban deodorant- $3.69(each)
2 travel size TreSemme- .99 (each)

Total before sale- $31.15

Total after sale- $21.95

Total afte coupone- $6.45 + tax + 3$ EC which would make my total $3.45 and I will be sending a 3$ Lysol rebate which would make my total $0.45

Coupons used:
4$ off any schick razor 6/10
3$ off any Lysol 6/10
B1GO free ban deodorant 6/10
2- .25 off ban deodorant
2$ off and TreSemme from magic machine.

By the way the machine is dispensing 1.50 off any bounty or charmin product

The opinions expressed in this brag do not necessarily reflect the views of Krazy Coupon Lady.