I shopped Target and Rite Aid, stopping beforehand at the Drive-Thru for a free McDonald’s coffee.


Rite Aid:

Dove Men's Body wash was on sale for $3.79. I used a $1.50 store coupon, stacked with a $2.00 Manufacturer's coupon. Total Cost: $0.29!

Hello Kitty Gift Set, on Holiday clearance  50% off for $5.99. I used a $3.00 Manufacturer's coupon. Total Cost: $2.99!



2 Clorex Stain Sprays on sale for $2.49 each. I used a $2.00 Manufacturer's coupon. Total Cost: $0.49 each!

Pie Pan, usually $4.99 each, on 90% off Holiday clearance. Total cost $0.49!

2 Oven mitts with brownie mix inside, usually $4.99, more Holiday clearance . Total Cost: $1.49 each!

Not bad for 2 quick trips.  The Rite Aid deal on the Dove ended today, but there were plenty of Hello Kitty Sets left, ditto for the Target Holiday Clearance.


The opinions expressed in this brag do not necessarily reflect the views of Krazy Coupon Lady.