Mairyn Black

Senior Digital Content Manager

Mairyn is a senior digital content manager at The Krazy Coupon Lady, where sheโ€™s been hounding out the best of the best deals for over five years now.ย 

Bargain-Hunting Background

  • Mairyn prides herself on finding deals that are at least 50% off and sheโ€™s mastered the art of spotting good deals versus bad ones. For a deal-hunter, sheโ€™s practically memorized the store clearance schedules for over 25 stores. (No, weโ€™re not kidding.)


  • Mairyn is a go-to source in the consumer and shopping space and has been interviewed by various media outlets, including CBS News. You can also find her every Wednesday at 10 am MT on Facebook Live and Instagram Live, sharing the best deals with our loyal Krazy Coupon Lady audience. If thereโ€™s a hot deal, you can count on Mairyn to find it.