Keep an eye on your credit and monitor your finances with this offer from Credit Sesame. You won’t even need to grab your wallet since there’s absolutely no credit card required to sign up.
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Here’s how to get this deal:
- Go to the CreditSesame website.
- Sign up for a free account.
- Enter your personal info.
- Confirm your account.
What is Credit Sesame?
Credit Sesame is a website platform that allows you to gain access to your credit score, helps prevent identity theft, monitors your credit, and gives you great tips on how to increase that score. It’s free to sign up, and there are no strings attached since they’ll never ask you for a credit card.
Is the Credit Sesame deal legit?
Bottom-line cost: It’s a completely free way to check your credit score on a monthly basis.
When will I be charged? Absolutely no charge. You don’t even need to enter your credit card info.
Will I need to cancel? Only if you no longer want to receive your credit score information. Then it’s as easy as logging in and terminating your account.
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