Celebrating birthdays and good grades with family is already a great experience, but it’s even better when it’s paired with sweet rewards. Treat your kids to a special something for bringing home a good report card, or simply for being born, with these kids’ rewards.
And if it’s not report card season yet, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with all the restaurant freebies and deals you can get, no matter what grades your kids bring home. From Krispy Kreme free donuts for grades to Chick-fil-A’s rewards for a straight A report card, we’ve listed them all below.
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Offers, prices, and local participation may vary.
1. Get Krispy Kreme free donuts for grades with every ‘A’.

Some Krispy Kreme locations reward students with a straight A report card. Students can earn up to six free donuts (priced at $9.99) with no purchase necessary. Check if your local Krispy Kreme participates.
We’ve got even more ways to get free Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
2. Chick-fil-A gives out free nuggets for a good report card.

Your local Chick-fil-A may offer offer a freebie like an 8-pack of chicken nuggets (regularly $5.89) when students bring in a report card with As and Bs. Since Chick-fil-As are independently owned, be sure to check with your local Chick-fil-A to see if they participate in any of these.
Getting free Chick-fil-A is simple with our easy tips you should be using on every order.
3. Chuck E. Cheese hands out extra tokens to students with a straight A report card.
Chuck E. Cheese offers kids ten free tokens for their outstanding schoolwork when they fill out the Super Student Certificate and bring it to their local restaurant. They also offer rewards for graduation, sports participation, a lost tooth, and being a good patient.
4. Applebee’s offers a free kids’ meal for students that excel in school.
The A is for Applebee’s reward is good for a free kids’ meal (worth $5.99) for students 12 and under who excel in academics or nonacademic areas. Students can get free meal vouchers from their teachers or libraries for a good report card or good behavior. Contact your local Applebee’s to find out if they’re participating.
If you aren’t a student, there are still several Applebee’s deals that you should be using.
5. McDonald’s recognizes a good report card with a free Happy Meal or Value Meal.

Your McDonald’s may offer students K-5th grade a Happy Meal (worth up to $4.59) or a free Value Meal for students sixth through 12th grade when they bring their straight A report card. Be sure to contact your local McD’s to see if they offer this promotion.
McDonald’s specials are everywhere, so you should never be paying full price for your McDonald’s meal.
6. Pizza Hut’s BOOK IT! program serves up a personal pan pizza for reading accomplishments.

Pizza Hut’s BOOK IT! program rewards students’ reading accomplishments in kindergarten through sixth grade with free personal pan pizza (worth around $3 depending on your location), praise, and recognition. Your kid can keep earning free pizza as long as they continue to meet their reading goals.
Just enroll them in the program, and you’re all set. It’s one of the Pizza Hut deals that’ll get you free pizza.
7. Cold Stone Creamery gives a free ice cream with a straight A report card.

At some Cold Stone locations, you can trade in your straight A report card for a free ice cream (up to $5.25). Kiddos can get this treat from kindergarten to fifth grade.
Make sure to double-check your local Cold Stone because only a few locations still have this deal available.
8. Join the Melting Pot’s Good Grades Club to get free
chocolate fondue.
With the Melting Pot’s Good Grade Club, children 12 years or younger can get free chocolate fondue (priced at $8.95) with the purchase of an adult entree when you bring in their report card.
9. Banks will give kids money for earning good grades.

Some banks will give you $1 for those As and $0.50 for the Bs. Here are just a few banks that reward a good report card, but you may want to call your local bank or credit union to see if they participate in a similar program.
Alpine Bank has a quarterly drawing where winners receive $10 for every “A” and $5 for every “B” in up to five main subjects. There’s a potential to earn $50 for a straight A report card.
AmFirst Federal Credit Honor Dollars Bonus program deposits $10 into your child’s account when you bring in a report card with all As and Bs.
Discovery Federal Credit Union deposits $1 into a Youth savings account for every “A” earned (up to $5 per quarter for each quarter of the school year).
First Southern National Bank deposits $1 into a First Southern Statement Savings account for every “A” a student makes on their report card (up to $10 per grading period).
10. Car insurance companies reward young drivers who do well in school.

Students may be eligible for lower car insurance costs when they have a good report card. Here’s a list of a few companies that offer discounts. Call ahead to make sure you qualify with your insurer.
Allstate will let single, full-time students under the age of 25 save up to 20% for getting good grades.
Farmers Insurance gives student drivers ages 16 – 24 a discount as long as they have a 3.0 GPA or rank in the top 20% of their class.
Geico auto insurance delivers up to 15% off certain coverages when a student keeps a B average.
Nationwide offers a good student discount on auto insurance for drivers 16 – 24 who are full-time high school or college students and maintain a minimum B average.
State Farm will give students a discount when they get good grades of a 3.0 GPA or higher. These savings can last up to 25 years of age.
Travelers rewards full-time high school or college students ages 16 – 24 with a discount when they maintain a B average.
Liberty Mutual offers car insurance discounts for students under the age of 25 who achieve at least a B average.
Get even more freebies for your kid’s birthday.

From free ice cream to free meals, even if you don’t have a good report card, you can take advantage of all the birthday freebies and discounts. Here are a few of our favorites:
Baskin Robbins: Free scoop of ice cream (reg. $1.58)
IHOP: Five free PanCoins (worth a short stack (reg. $7.99)
Olive Garden: Free dessert (up to $10 value)
Starbucks: Free drink (worth up to $6)
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