If you're looking for a new purse, QVC has some discounted Dooney & Bourke bags worth checking out. You can find satchels, crossbody bags, and totes at lower prices. If it's your first order, you can use the coupon code WELCOME20 for $20 off a purchase of $40 or more.
For instance, the Dooney & Bourke coated hobo shoulder bag is available for $78.99. It usually costs $168, but it's currently marked down to $98.99. Using the coupon code will give you an additional discount. After including the $5.50 shipping fee, your total will be $84.49.
Don't forget that if this is your second order with QVC, you can use the coupon code HELLO10 to get $10 off an order of $25 or more.
Some of my favorite finds are this Dooney & Bourke leather crossbody for $79.99 and this Dooney & Bourke leather satchel for $146.
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