Get free samples from your favorite brands by completing a few simple steps. Just fill out your PINCHme profile, confirm your email, answer a short questionnaire, and apply for any available products.
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How to get the deal:
Head to the PINCHme website and click "Become a Pincher."
Enter your email address and name.
Enter the code that gets sent to your email.
Fill out your contact information and click "Next."
Answer a quick questionnaire and click "Become a Pincher."
Click "I want to apply to try now" to start earning.
You can check out the daily free sample offers. Some samples will require you to apply and fill out a questionnaire to find the best offers for you. For example, when I signed up, I had offers for samples from brands like Secret Whole Body Deodorant, Pond’s, and Carmex.
What is PINCHme?
PINCHme is an online platform that provides free product samples in categories like beauty, food, and household essentials. Members sign up, get samples tailored to their preferences, and share feedback with brands.
The fine print:

Bottom line cost: There's no cost to join PINCHme.
Do I need to cancel? No, there's no need to cancel, as you won't enter any payment information. If you would like to close your account, log in and head to your account. Scroll down until you see the option to close your account. Then verify that you'd like to cancel.
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