Hurry and sign up for free for a new Sampler account to score a free Axe Body Spray sample. Anyone in the United States aged 18-44 will match with the Axe sample.

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Here's how to get this deal:
Click this link to go to Sampler, and then "Claim free sample."
Register for a free account and answer the questions about your household and shopping habits. Only new accounts will be eligible.
If you match the offer, select your free sample and click the blue "continue" button.
Submit your shipping information to complete your order.
What is Sampler?
Sampler offers targeted consumers the opportunity to receive product samples. As a consumer, utilizing Sampler is incredibly simple. All you have to do is create an account, be matched with relevant samples, and try them out without any cost. No purchases are ever required to obtain these complimentary samples.
Is the Axe Sampler deal legit?

Bottom-line cost: $0.
When will it ship? Samples usually take a couple of weeks to arrive, but plan for your sample to take about two to four weeks.
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