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Looking for some affordable, personalized home decor? Right now, you can buy one 18" x 24" canvas print and get one free at Canvas Champ. Shipping is also free, so you'll pay just $19.67 for two custom canvas prints.
How to get the deal:
Head to this page and select the 18" x 24" size.
Click the "create canvas" button.
Upload your photo and adjust in the display to your preference. Use the arrow on the right side of the display to confirm canvas size, wrap options, hardware, and photo finishes.
Note that select wrap options, hardware, and photo finishes will add additional costs, so you'll want to choose the "canvas lite" wrap with no hardware or finishes to get the $19.67 price for two.
Add the item to your cart and click "continue shopping" to order another canvas on this page.
Follow the same steps above.
Once the second item is in your cart, use code A1FFS35 to get the discount.
Proceed to checkout and complete the order with payment and shipping information.

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