We've gathered our top 25 couponing deals of the week and listed them all in one place to help you save time and money on everyday essentials like food, water, and personal care products.
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You'll find these great deals (and more) at stores like Kroger (or its affiliate stores such as Fry's or Fred Meyer), Meijer, Publix, CVS and Walgreens. You may be required to sign up for free store loyalty programs in order to get these deals.
Use your smartphone to check apps like Ibotta (download the Ibotta app) for any applicable cashback rebates. Check out our ultimate guide to rebate and cash-back apps.
Don't forget to add these 20 freebies and moneymakers to your shopping cart this week.
And be sure to sign up for the KCL newsletter to get all the hottest deals sent to your inbox.
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