Bargain shoppers gush over Dollar Tree and Target Dollar Spot alike. Both have everything from toys and electronics to household essentials and accessories. But which one is better in terms of deals? Bottom line: Target’s Dollar Spot is a misnomer. It should be called “Target $3 – $5 Spot.” So, if you’re looking from a savings angle, as I always am, Target loses this fight. I’ll show you why.
Target’s Dollar Spot (also known as Bullseye’s Playground) gives Dollar Tree a run for their money with some pretty quality stuff. But while everything at Dollar Tree is a buck, Dollar Spot sells most things from $1 – $5 and to be honest, it’s not even worth it until you get into the $3 range. And some things are even $20! By that definition, everything in Target could be in the Dollar Spot, amiright?
Which one should you be spending your $1 dollar bills at? Let’s take a look.
No matter which store you prefer, bookmark KCL’s Dollar Tree deals and Target deals.
1. Dollar Tree toys are brand name and a huge selection; way better than Dollar Spot.

One thing I noticed going from Dollar Spot to Dollar Tree was the sheer amount of toys available. Tons of different toys were at Dollar Tree, from cars and dartboards to dolls and puzzles.
They even had Barbie, Disney, and Masters of the Universe mini figures for a dollar each, which a lot of kids would prefer to more generic toys.
Dollar Spot, on the other hand, had some cute plastic dinosaurs playing instruments and a few random toys, but that’s about it. I found a Chef Barbie figurine at Dollar Tree and a similar one at Target:
- Mattel Chef Barbie Baker Figurine, $1 Dollar Tree
- Compare to: Mattel Chef Barbie Figurine, $9.99 Target
2. Collect cute, basic ceramic coffee mugs from the Dollar Tree.

I’m not gonna lie, Dollar Spot has some pretty cute coffee cups. But for $3 each, you can do better for a buck at Dollar Tree. These lemon coffee mugs from the Dollar Tree were far cuter than anything I could find at Dollar Spot, and even had matching bowls.
3. Check out Dollar Tree for phone accessories.

Even though they don’t wow on the electronics, (more on that below) Dollar Tree has some pretty awesome phone accessories. I’ve seen iPhone cases, screen protectors, and smartphone car mounts for a dollar each.
It might be a pain to find one that fits your phone (they had everything from 7 to XS last time I checked), but it’s worth it to save on a case that’ll usually cost you ten bucks and up. Target’s Dollar Spot had no phone accessories.
4. Dollar Tree has a better sock selection, but it’s a tough competition.

Dollar Tree and Target Dollar Spot both have novelty socks, but Dollar Tree has a wider selection, including athletic socks, kids’ socks, and fun/seasonal socks.
Dollar Spot socks you have to buy in packs of nine or ten, pushing you past that lovely $1 price point into $10 range.
5. Get Flashlights at Dollar Tree, even though they take more batteries.

This is deceptively simple. Flashlights are $3 at Dollar Spot. They’re $1 at Dollar Tree. But, the Dollar Tree flashlights take three batteries instead of two, so you’d have to spend an extra $1 to get two packs of batteries instead of one. So, when you price out one flashlight with two packs of batteries, you come in at $3 at Dollar Tree and $4 at Dollar Spot.
Dollar Tree still wins this one.
6. Grab hand soap pumps from Dollar Tree.

Dollar Tree soap pumps are two dollars cheaper than Dollar Spot’s at $3. Plus, you can get more cute and colorful pumps at Dollar Tree compared to the bland, clear ones at Dollar Spot.
7. Use RedCard to save at Dollar Spot and beat Dollar Tree prices…sometimes.

If you see the exact same thing at Dollar Tree and Dollar Spot, and it’s actually $1 at Dollar Spot, go with Dollar Spot and pay with Target RedCard for 5% off. Here’s an example:
It’s only a five cent difference, but as you know, that adds up!
8. Dollar Tree has way more essentials than Dollar Spot.

I don’t think we have to go over everything Dollar Tree has that Dollar Spot doesn’t. But there are definitely some things you should always buy at Dollar Tree.
Some Dollar Spot Items You Might Consider Paying $5 For:
9. Buy phone charging kits at Dollar Spot – it’s worth the extra cash.

One of the best bargains you can grab at Target Dollar Spot is the Emergency Tech Kit. For $5, you get a three-pronged cable for iPhone and Android (USB-C and micro USB), rubber cable wrap, screen cleaner, and microfiber cloth.
Dollar Tree, on the other hand, doesn’t sell iPhone or Android USB-C charging cords at all, just single micro USB cables.
Unfortunately, neither spot has charging bricks available.
10. In fact, stick to Dollar Spot for most electronics.

Dollar Spot’s got some pretty impressive electronics. I’m talking about portable speakers, a USB desk fan, a vlogging desk lamp, and a power strip for just $5 each.
I’ve had experience with Dollar Tree electronics and they’re not the best. I’ve used their ear buds in a pinch, but they’re pretty low quality and have fallen apart on me.
Unless you need a simple pair of earbuds to tide you over, stick to Dollar Spot.
Dollar Spot’s definitely got some fun novelties you won’t see at Dollar Tree, like facial brushes and vlogging desk lamps. I’m just saying, don’t expect to see medicine, bacon, or pregnancy tests at Dollar Spot anytime soon.
Do you prefer Dollar Tree or Target’s Dollar Spot? Drop a comment and share with the KCL community!
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