If you're looking for something to do, check out this movie package deal on Giftory. You get two Regal movie tickets, one bucket of popcorn, and two drinks for $35 when you use the coupon code KCLREGAL35. This package usually costs $60, so the coupon saves you $25.
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After you make your purchase on Giftory, you'll receive a voucher for the Regal tickets via email. You can use these tickets at any Regal theatre for any movie, at any time. They can also be redeemed at the theatre kiosks, so you won’t have to wait in line.
Be sure to check out the best deals this week at KCL.
Earning cash-back rewards on purchases you already have to make is a seamless way to maximize savings with minimal effort. KCL has curated a list of the best credit cards for online shopping to earn more rewards.
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