Great deals on Merkts, Werther's Popcorn, and Oxi pods at Walmart . Merkts are $4.24 each 4 = $16.96-$10 Swagbucks refund, -$4..24 Chekout 51 refund =$2.72 or.68 each.
4 Werther has to be Caramel Popcorn $2.98 each= $11.92-$2.50 Swagbucks =$9.42-$3Checkout 51=$6.42 or $1.61 each, 2 Arm & Hammer 5 in 1 $5.20 each = $10.40-$6 Swagbucks =$4.40-$2.60 Checkout 51=$1.80. Get 2 Merkts, 2 Werther, and Oxi on one receipt. Buy 2 more Merkts, and 2 Werther on second receipt

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