Looking for a new way to stream? Get your first six months of Starz for just $19.99 — that's only $3.33 per month.
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How to get the deal:
Head to the website to activate the discount.
Click on the "claim special offer" button.
Enter your email address and payment information to subscribe.
Once you've complete your subscription, enter a password for future logins.
What is Starz?
Starz offers a monthly streaming service, boasting a vast library of TV shows and movies, including acclaimed originals like Outlander, Shining Vale, and The Serpent Queen. Enjoy seamless streaming on any device, with the flexibility to have up to four devices streaming simultaneously.
The fine print:
Bottom-line cost: $19.99 for your first six months. Once the promotional period ends, the price will be $9.99 per month.
When will I be charged? You'll be charged $19.99 as soon as you subscribe.
When will I gain access? You'll get instant access to their streaming content as soon as your payment is processed.
Will I need to cancel? Starz is a streaming service. If you don't want to continue the subscription, you can cancel it at any time to avoid future charges. To cancel, log in, go to "Settings," "My Subscription," and "Cancel Subscription." Follow the steps until cancellation is confirmed.
Looking for more ways to save on your favorite streaming services? Check out the best streaming deals here.
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