Calling all Dove fans.
Hurry and sign up to receive up to $5 in Dove and Unilever coupons, exclusive offers, and product updates from Dove and other Unilever brands.
- Click this link and enter your personal information.
- Note that if you’ve subscribed in the past you won’t get the coupons, so use a different email.
- Check the boxes that match your Dove product preferences, hair type, and skin concerns.
- Click on “Submit.”
Then check your inbox for a “Welcome” email from Dove — mine arrived in less than a minute. Scroll down, click on the blue box that says “Save now”, and you’ll be taken to a page with the coupons below.
Walmart and Walgreens are currently the best stores to shop with these coupons, but they can be redeemed at any store that accepts manufacturer coupons.
Text DEALS to 57299 and be the first to know about the hottest deals each day.
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