Touchland hand sanitizers are a hot pick right now, and Target has a deal on one you'll want to take advantage of if you're a fan of this brand. The "Aloe You" scent is eligible for a buy three, get one free auto-applied Circle deal.
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Add four to your online cart or in-store shopping cart. At checkout, use your Circle Card for an additional 5% off. Your total will come to $28.48 for all four, breaking down to just $7.12 each. Normally, they are $9.99 each. Sign up to become a cardholder today.
All other scents qualify for a $5 Target gift card promotion when you spend $30 or more, which isn't as great of a deal. These sanitizers rarely go on sale, so stock up while you can. They're good for when the kids go back to school because they easily fit in their backpack for quick hand cleaning.
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