If you prefer shopping at Giant Eagle, then I'll show you how to use Giant Eagle coupons to maximize your savings. From Advantage Card perks to Giant Eagle digital coupons, here's what you need to know to save the most you can:
Sign up for an Advantage Card to for Giant Eagle coupons and more.
Before you get ready for your first trip, definitely make sure you've got a Giant Eagle Advantage Card. You'll be able to earn perks, easily grab digital coupons, and take advantage of community savings rewards for local events.
Additionally, after you sign up for your Advantage Card, you'll start getting mailers with manufacturer coupons included.
Add Giant Eagle digital coupons to your account.
Giant Eagle's store digital coupons are called "eCoupons." Just go to the Giant Eagle digital eCoupon page or use the Giant Eagle app, make sure you're signed into your Advantage Card account, and tap, or "clip" as many eCoupons as you want! Once you clip these digital coupons, they get added to your account. Your savings will be applied at checkout.
Here's a few digital coupons that were available last time I checked:
$1 off any DiGiorno pizza
$2 off any Duracell battery six pack
$3 off any two Ben & Jerry's products
In addition to digital coupons, you'll also receive Catalina coupons with your receipt when you shop in-store. They print out of the gray machines that sit at each register. These are the only two ways to get store coupons at Giant Eagle.
Can you stack Giant Eagle coupons?

The Giant Eagle coupon policy states that you can only use one coupon per item. So, no matter if you're planning on using a store coupon, digital coupon, or manufacturer coupon, you can only use one at a time.
Sadly, this means you can't stack when you're shopping at Giant Eagle.
No internet BOGO or free without purchase coupons accepted.
If you're planning on printing out internet coupons for your Giant Eagle shopping trip, you need to know the store's coupon policy:
No internet coupons that state: "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" or "Free Without Purchase"
No coupons over $3 in value, unless they're directly from Giant Eagle
No more than two printed internet coupons can be used within 24 hours by the same customer
If you're using more than 20 coupons, go to a cashier.
Planning on going all out with your coupons on your next grocery trip? You won't be able to use more than 20 at self-checkout or Scan, Pay & Go checkout.
Your coupon value can't exceed item value.
If you're using a coupon at Giant Eagle that exceeds the value of the item, don't expect an overage or any cash back. The coupon will be rejected instead of adjusted.
You can only use five identical coupons per day.
Within a 24 hour period, you can only use five "like," or identical coupons at Giant Eagle, according to the store coupon policy. So if you have five General Mills $1/1 cereal coupons, you can buy five boxes of cereal and use one coupon for each, max.
Giant Eagle doesn't accept competitor coupons.
If you've got a coupon for a different grocery store, don't expect to use it at Giant Eagle. They don't allow any competitor coupons.
You can use Giant Eagle digital coupons for deliveries.
If you're planning on doing a Giant Eagle delivery order, no need to get out the scissors and mailers. The store doesn't allow for paper coupons to be used on delivery orders.
On the bright side, you can still use your eCoupons on a delivery order if you use your Advantage Card.
Take advantage of perks to save on gas or groceries.

Whenever you use your Advantage Card, you receive one "perk" for every dollar you spend at Giant Eagle. Once you've gotten 50 perks saved up, you can use them to get $0.10 off a gallon of gas or 2% off your next grocery order.
What if you forgot your coupons at home?
At most grocery stores, if you forgot your coupons at home, you'd be out of luck. However, Giant Eagle will generally give you a refund on the difference if you bring your coupons back in with your receipt and show it to a cashier.