Did you know some companies still offer free product testing in exchange for customer feedback? You’ve just got to know which companies do this, and how to ask. I’ll share everything I know about how to get started.
After a lot of digging, I’ve put together a list of the top companies that will send you free products in exchange for reviews. I’ve signed up for all of these and have found it takes a while to receive your free stuff. So be patient!
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TIP: To avoid spam from these companies, create a new Gmail account (free), sign up for a Google Voice phone number (also free), and give your office address for delivery. If you have a P.O. Box, even better.
1. Become an Influenster to get free samples like Pampers, bioClarity, Rimmel London and more.

Influenster sends out a box full of free product testing samples (in something they call a “VoxBox”) for you to try in exchange for reviews. To start, just create a profile, download the Influenster app, fill it out with your lifestyle and brand preferences, follow Influenster on all social media channels, and if you qualify, you’ll be sent a VoxBox to try out!
NOTE: Sometimes Influenster requires you to do a little something extra to get a box, like take a “selfie” with a specific brand of shampoo or conditioner, or review products you currently use or have used.
2. Join MomSelect and you could get free toys for your kids like LeapFrog, Shopkins, and more.

Sign up for MomSelect as a “Mom” or “Mom Blogger” and you’ll have the option to participate in multiple programs doing things like answering questions, taking surveys, sharing samples, and posting on social media!
Check out their website to see all of the brands they work with (and that you might get to try out products from), including LeapFrog, Shopkins, and more.
3. Sign up with BzzAgent and get free products from Pampers, Conair, and Hormel.

Sign up for BzzAgent and they’ll send you full-size samples you can try out for free in exchange for reviewing the products on your social media accounts.
4. Share your opinions on CrowdTap to earn points — and then cash them in for gift cards.

CrowdTap lets you earn points by completing polls and questionnaires on the platform, uploading photos, leaving comments, and more. Once you reach certain point levels, you can cash them in for gift cards to retailers like Amazon, Starbucks, and Sephora.
Most of their surveys are worth three points each, so it will take some time to accumulate enough points to reach the minimum 1,000 points you’ll need for a $5 gift card. But the more surveys you fill out, the greater the value of some of the surveys you’ll get.
Register for an account, click on “Samples” to see what you can get, and start earning! They also have an app (iOS / Android), which makes it easy to take the surveys while you veg out on the couch.
5. Test out free products from The Pink Panel and they’ll send you gift cards.

To start, head over here to fill out a short questionnaire to join The Pink Panel to see if you’re chosen. If chosen, you’ll start to receive emails with testing opportunities that let you try out free products for reviews. The items they’ll ask you to try might include skin care products, facial cleansing brushes, and even bigger-ticket items like hair straighteners.
Not only will you receive free products, but in some cases, you may even get paid $50 to $200 for your participation!
6. Become a beauty product tester for InStyle Trendsetters and you get to keep all the free goodies.
InStyle Trendsetters lets you test the latest trending beauty items. You’ll also be contributing to InStyle magazine by giving your feedback.
Each time you review a product or complete a survey as a tester, you’ll be entered into the “Instyle Quarterly Panel” sweepstakes, where the grand prize winner can win up to $100 in gift cards.
7. Create a VocalPoint profile and get matched with free products to test out at home.

Register for an account on VocalPoint, then fill out your profile and you’ll be notified when free samples are available that fit your interests.
The free products range from hair appliances and gift cards to full-size food samples and high-value coupons. You’ll be asked to review what you get afterward. I’ve had a few opportunities come up to review products, but I haven’t been selected for any yet.
You’ll need to enter your email address, zip code, birth date, and gender.
8. Participate in SheSpeaks discussions and take their surveys to test free products.

SheSpeaks is an online platform where women can share their opinions about life, weigh in on topic discussions, and participate in surveys. SheSpeaks awards active members on its platform with free product testing.
If you’re selected, you’ll get to try out skincare goodies, kitchen cleaners, and makeup, then give your opinion afterward.
Just like with VocalPoint, you’ll need to enter your email address, zip code, birth date, and gender when signing up.
9. Sign up for the McCormick Consumer Testing program to test spices and seasonings.

Sign up for McCormick Consumer Testing to try out their spices and seasonings in exchange for completing follow-up surveys. They mostly send out consumer testing kits for you to try at home, but if you live in the Greater Baltimore or New Orleans area, you might be picked for in-person testing.
To sign up, just fill out your profile, and within a few days, McCormick will either accept or decline your application. (If you’re accepted, you’ll get an email confirmation.) Although they say you can earn a $10 to $15 Amazon gift card for each completed testing, I have yet to receive any opportunities to test this out for myself.
10. Join the L’Oreal consumer testing panel to get free makeup like mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, and more.
Register for a L’Oreal consumer testing account and you’ll be able to test products from brands under the L’Oreal umbrella — like Garnier, Lancome, Redken, and many more. Once you complete your free product testing, you’ll be asked to review.
The types of things you’ll test could be hair care products, cosmetics, skincare items, or sun care.
When you sign up as a free makeup product tester for L’Oreal, you’ll be asked how you heard about their consumer testing, and after that, you’ll need to fill out your email address, phone number, birth date, and more.
11. Sign up for the Friends & Neighbors panel to test free Johnson & Johnson products like shampoo and body wash.

Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest consumer goods manufacturers, has a testing panel called JJ Friends & Neighbors.
Sign up for JJ Friends & Neighbors and you’ll receive special invitations to test products and join focus groups, take surveys, and post on discussion forums.
When you create an account, you’ll give your email address — and you must check “yes” that they can contact you by email. After confirming your account, you’ll need to give them your phone number and birth date.
12. Join Social Nature and apply to try vegan ice cream, gluten-free snacks, and other natural products for free.

Apply to try free natural products with Social Nature and if you’re chosen, you’ll receive a voucher for either a sample or a full-size product. You must write a product review in their community forum within 1-2 weeks of receiving your voucher in order to remain eligible for future promotions.
If you’re not a match for a free product, they often will give you a promo discount code or coupon. I got a BOGO on Ocean’s Halo organic Asian food items.
Of course, you have to share personal information like your name, address, and date of birth.
That’s all I have for now, but I still have a couple of companies I’m hoping to get products from in the future. I’ll be sure to add them to this list as they come in, but if you know of any that I missed, please let me know in the comments!
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