REI loyalists looking for a good sale on outdoor gear can expect deals from the retailer during the REI Anniversary Sale, their biggest sale of the year. You can grab REI deals up to 30% off, with special offers for REI Co-op members. You only have a finite amount of time to shop these days — the sale lasts 11 days. It's expected to return May 16, 2025.
One callout is that members get 30% off all REI Co-Op brand gear (with the exception of bikes), clothing, and footwear. Again, that's just for members.
Not willing to cough up the $30 for a lifetime membership? We totally get it. There’s still plenty of REI Anniversary Sale for you, too. In 2024 there was 25% off Hydro Flask bottles and drinkware as well as 15% off Electra Bikes and 20% off Co-op Bikes, and that’s just to name a few. And of course we have all of the year-round REI discounts and strategies you can use during the sale to save more.
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The REI Anniversary Sale is an annual, 11-day event with best-of-the-year prices on outdoor gear.
The REI Anniversary Sale is an annual event held by REI Co-op in May to celebrate the company's founding (way back in 1938). During this sale, REI offers significant discounts on a wide range of outdoor gear, equipment, clothing, and accessories from top brands.
REI members receive special benefits, such as exclusive coupons for 20% off one full-price item and an extra 20% off one REI Outlet item. These coupons can be used in-store or online throughout the duration of the sale. Non-members can also take advantage of discounts available during the Anniversary Sale, but may not have access to the same exclusive offers.
KCL predicts the next REI Anniversary Sale will start May 16, 2025.

While REI hasn't officially announced their sale dates for 2025, we have a strong hunch the Anniversary Sale will kick off on May 16.
How do we make our prediction?
The REI Anniversary Sale is an 11-day de facto Memorial Day sale. It has historically started two Fridays before Memorial Day, running through Memorial Day Monday.
Here are the last several years’ start dates for the REI Annviersary Sale:
Friday, May 17, 2024
Friday, May 19, 2023
Friday, May 20, 2022
Friday, May 21, 2021
Friday, May 15, 2020
Tips For Shopping the REI Anniversary Sale
The sale on its own is probably REI's best of the year (even better than REI Black Friday) but there's still some hack-y tidbits you should know before shopping it.
Receive two special 20% off coupons in the Anniversary Sale mailer if you're an REI Co-Op member.

If you are indeed an REI Co-Op member, do not toss that sale preview mailer. On the front contains two coupons. The first is 20% off one full-price item (exclusions apply) that can be used in-store or online. The second is for an extra 20% off one REI Outlet item (exclusions apply), only for use online. The promo code for both is ANNIV24. These are good for the duration of the sale. But, remember, you have to be an REI Co-Op member. No ifs, ands, or buts.
An REI Co-Op membership costs $30 — for life.
So here's the thing — if you pay $30 for an REI Co-Op membership, it means you're a member for life. It's not $30 per year. So if you think you can make back that $30 in a couple of REI purchases, your membership and savings are sealed for a good, long time. On top of that, as a member you get 10% back on all eligible REI purchases. Now this cash back comes in one lump sum once a year, but it does add up.
Use free in-store pickup on large items to avoid an oversized shipping charge.
REI orders $60+ generally ship for free, but there are exceptions. For example, if you order a bike online from, you're bound to incur an oversized shipping charge. These can hover around $200 per large item, which kinda negates the whole "free shipping" thing. Instead, choose free in-store pickup at your nearest REI to avoid those added fees.
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