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Will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy has some crazy good clearance prices on women's shoes. I found selected sizes of boots for as low as $18.99 and sneakers priced at $24.50. Just make sure to use your RedCard (apply) for an additional 5% off.
Not sure if a RedCard is right for you? The 5% savings doesn't seem like a lot until you're shopping large purchases or stopping by multiple times a week. Plus, a couple of the RedCard benefits on top of the savings are free shipping and an extra 30 days for returns.
In-store and online clearance finds are the best discounts to shop to revamp your wardrobe, but at a fraction of what you'd spend full price. If you like Target brand clothing, look through the Target bestsellers to see if anything catches your eye. Just be sure to stay up to date on the Target return policy in case something doesn't fit the right way.
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