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Don't miss out on this hot deal on Reduce Cold-1 brand tumblers and water bottles at Kroger this week. Through June 25, use your Kroger Plus Shopper's Card to pay just $6 for Reduce Cold-1 tumblers or Reduce water bottles. If you don't have a Shopper's Card yet, you can sign up for a free account by visiting or the customer service desk at your local store.
Keep in mind that product inventory and availability will vary by store. For the best selection, you'll want to shop in stores. Some varieties may be available on the Kroger website too so that you can create an online Kroger grocery pickup order.

If you're a new Kroger shopper, check out our expert Kroger couponing tips to learn everything you need to know. These tips also apply at affiliate stores such as Fred Meyer, Fry’s, or King Soopers.
We’ve rounded up the top KCL deals of the week and put them all in one place, helping you save time and money. Get access to all the hottest deals when you download the KCL app.

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