Get started with a free 14-day trial of the Entertainment online coupon book to save on tickets, explore family-friendly dining options, and enjoy new activities — all without breaking the bank.
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How to get the deal:
Head to the Entertainment website and click on the “Get started” button.
Click “Secure checkout” to enter your billing and contact information.
Complete your order.
What is Entertainment?
The Entertainment Coupon Book offers exclusive discounts on dining, activities, and entertainment, available through a physical book or digital app. It helps families save on local restaurants, attractions, movie tickets, and more. Some versions offer a free trial to try the savings before subscribing.
The fine print:

Bottom-line cost: Free for the 2-week trial, then $34.99 per year.
What will I receive? You’ll receive exclusive access to coupons for dining, attractions, shopping, travel, and more in over 10,000 cities across the United States and Canada. When you download the app, you’ll have access to these coupons no matter where you go.
Do I need to cancel? Yes, if you no longer wish to use the Entertainment coupon book, you’ll need to cancel before your 2-week trial ends to avoid additional charges.
To cancel your 2-week trial, enter the email address you used when signing up. You'll be sent a link where you can view or change your auto-renewing memberships.
Wondering how else you can save on the go? Check out all of our travel tips to find cheap flights, save on admission to theme parks, and more.
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