Grab the Advanced Food Intolerance Labs food sensitivity test for as low as $38.07 at Groupon. This is an 83% discount from the original price that can cost $226.47 or more.
The basic food sensitivity test is on sale for $42.30, but you can add the promo code SPRING25 to save an additional $4.23, making this test just $38.07 with free shipping.
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The test kits are said to test a variety of foods, toxins, minerals, vitamins, and more to see what could be contributing to your weight, digestive health, inflammation, or other unwanted symptoms. The basic kit tests over 350 items, while the more expensive options test either 750 or 1,000 items.
It's important to note that the test isn't designed to make a medical diagnosis and should not be used as a substitute for health or medical advice. The kit is intended for general information and educational purposes. Note that this is an at-home hair test. No blood, needles, or appointments are needed for this test.
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