Whether you’re a seasoned couponer or you’re brand-spankin’ new to couponing, Rite Aid’s BonusCash Challenge is so easy it doesn’t really matter.
Read on to get all the details about how to do the BonusCash Challenge promotion and anything else you might want to know about how BonusCash works.
(And then download the KCL app and we’ll keep you in the loop whenever Rite Aid does can’t-miss promotions like this!)
If you want to go deeper, read our comprehensive guide to learn how to coupon at Rite Aid.
What is Rite Aid’s BonusCash?

BonusCash is part of Rite Aid’s wellness+ loyalty program. When you make purchases at Rite Aid — and RiteAid.com — during certain promotions, you’ll receive “BonusCash,” which translates into store credit — $1 in BonusCash equals $1 you can spend at Rite Aid like cash.
You’ll see tags throughout the store on certain merchandise that have a current BonusCash promotion. For example, “Receive $20 in BonusCash when you buy $50 worth of Gain laundry detergent” or “Buy 1 Speed Stick deodorant, Receive $1 in BonusCash.”
Sign up for a wellness+ account at Rite Aid to get started earning BonusCash!
How do I spend BonusCash after I earn it?

Your BonusCash is connected to your wellness+ account, so when you check out at Rite Aid, you’ll see your balance and can choose to spend any BonusCash you might have in order to buy your items. While many people report being able to use their BonusCash the morning after earning it, there may be a couple days’ delay before the credit shows up.
Here’s a strategy that we love: Save up enough BonusCash to use on future couponing transactions so that you don’t have to spend any money out of pocket when you see a stock-up price on Tide!
RELATED: How to Coupon at Rite Aid
Pile up the savings with BonusCash Challenges happening right now!

Rite Aid is running a promotion where you can earn at least $40 in BonusCash until Sept. 15, 2020. You’ll be able to spend your earnings on Rite Aid purchases beginning Sept. 20.
First, select up to 10 BonusCash Challenges. These are deals or products you plan to buy in order to get BonusCash.
Most of the opportunities to earn BonusCash come with a minimum and maximum amount you need to spend. For example, if you select the Pringles & Cheez-It BonusCash Challenge, there’s potential to earn up to $1.00 in BonusCash, but you have to spend $4 to do it. You can also spend only $2 on those chips and get $0.50 back in BonusCash.
In order to get the maximum amount of BonusCash back, choose the highest value offers and plan to meet the maximum spend. The biggest offer I saw would give you $21.75 in BonusCash when you spend $96 on RiteAid Pharmacy products.
When in doubt, open the BonusCash challenges website on your phone and scan barcodes to make sure an item qualifies, and don’t forget your wellness+ card when you’re shopping.
Earn at least $40 in BonusCash with these challenges.

We say “at least” because the promotion promises that even if your BonusCash challenges don’t add up to $40, you’ll get the full $40 in BonusCash if you complete 10 challenges.
And if your challenges add up to more than $40, you’ll rake in the total amount of BonusCash you earn from the challenges. For example, if you spend the maximum amount on the Rite Aid Pharmacy products and earn $21.75, you’re more than halfway to $40.
The other 9 challenges could easily earn you more than the $18.25 needed to hit $40. I found 9 challenges that would earn me an additional $33 — for a grand total of $55 in BonusCash.
Here are a few examples of BonusCash Challenges you can select:

Of course, you should focus on products you actually use or would buy anyway. We don’t recommend buying something you won’t use just to get the BonusCash unless you plan to donate it or give it away.
- Earn up to $21.75 in BonusCash when you buy $96 worth of Rite Aid brand pharmacy and vitamin products.
- Earn $5 in BonusCash when you take 2 trips (one per day) to Rite Aid and buy $20 worth of products between now and Sept. 15.
- Earn $5 in BonusCash when you refer 3 friends to the Challenge.
- Earn up to $5.50 when you spend $24 on Vicks products.
- Earn up to $4.25 when you buy $18 worth of Advil products.
- Earn up to $4.25 when you buy $18 worth of Bayer products
- Earn up to $3.25 when you buy $14 worth of Revlon products.
- Earn up to $2.75 when you buy $12 worth of Post cereal products.
- Earn up to $2.50 when you buy $10 worth of Tums products.
Don’t worry about reaching the maximum spend to get BonusCash in one shopping trip.

You might buy $10 worth of Tide today and another $5 worth next week in order to get that $4.25 in BonusCash. That’s OK! As long as you’re done making purchases for the challenge by Sept. 15, you’re good.
You can check your BonusCash Challenge balance at the top of the BonusCash Challenge website.
See all the current Rite Aid Deals.
UP NEXT: Learn how to coupon the lazy way or the krazy way!

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