Try a 4-pack of Tru Sparkling Water for just $4.99 shipped. Choose from seven flavors specially formulated with zero sugar and real juice.
Tru Sparkling Water has great reviews on Amazon, where a 12-pack is typically priced at $29.
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Here’s how to get this deal:
- Use our link to activate the promotional value.
- Click on “Explore Flavors” and choose the one you’d like to try.
- Enter your shipping and billing information.
- Pay $4.99 and complete your order.
What is Tru Sparkling Water?

Tru Sparkling Water is a beverage that offers flavor blends designed to support various aspects of your daily routine. It contains zero sugars, GMOs, major allergens, or gluten.
Is the tru Sparkling Water deal legit?
Bottom-line cost: Just $4.99, plus free shipping.
When will I be charged? You’ll be charged right away.
When will I receive my order? Within 5 to 7 business days. My order arrived in 5 business days.
Will I need to cancel? No — this is a one-time purchase, not a subscription.
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