Water Coupons and Deals

Coupons for water are rare. Usually we'll see an average savings of $0.50 per gallon or case. The best place to shop is Rite Aid or your local grocery store. Stock up when bottled water is less than $2.00 per case and gallon jugs are under $0.50.

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Water Coupons

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15 Active manufacturer coupons today

Kroger Bottled Water 24-Pack, Kroger App Store Coupon
Dasani Purified Water Bottles 16.9 oz 24-pack, Target App Coupon
Hint Beverages, Target App Coupon
Dasani Purified Water Botltes 16. 9 oz 24-pack, Target App Store Coupon
Saratoga Sparkling Spring Water 6-pack up to $9.99, CVS App Coupon
Saratoga Sparkling Spring Water 6-pack up to $9.99, Walgreens App Coupon
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