1. Prevent sliced apples and bananas from turning brown for a week.

2. Make fun ice packs for kids lunches with food coloring.

Fill a vacuum sealer pouch with water. Add food coloring to make it fun for kids and freeze. Reuse it again and again!
3. Make your own healthier ice or yogurt pops.

Via The Kitchn
Freeze yogurt, pureed fruit, or any juice you want. Use food coloring to tint juices to make them more fun.
- You’ll first need to create separate sealed sections in each bag, so check if your FoodSaver has the ability to do this. You’ll have to run the bag under the vacuum sealer from the back and pull it forward to create seals.
- Then, cut off the top of the bag (which is actually the side), leaving enough room to to hold popsicle juice.
- Use a turkey baster to make dispensing liquid into each tube easier, and add a few drops of food coloring to each tube.
- Move your vacuum sealer to the edge of a sink just in case liquid spills out of the tubes, and seal the top.
- Cut sealed sections and freeze.
4. Re-seal potato chip bags.

5. Make individual shampoo and soap travel packs.

Rather than travel with bulky bottles, use a FoodSaver to store individual portions of shampoo and soap.
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6. Seal toiletries so they don’t leak while traveling.

7. Freeze large cylindrical candles to preserve their scent and extend burning time.

8. Keep flour fresh and prevent bugs from getting in by sealing and freezing whole bags.
9. Preserve dried seeds until the next planting season.

10. Instead of cleaning paintbrushes after a long day, seal a wet brush and it’ll be ready to use the next day. 

11. Keep emergency supplies safe.

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