Oh hello, new logo!
Today we’re launching a new logo, as we start to refresh the Krazy Coupon Lady’s look in general. We loved our old logo and know many felt the same. And yet, here we are to explain why we decided to evolve it.

Change is inevitable and something to be embraced. Our logo change is part of a larger investment that we’re making in building a product and providing services that deliver on KCL’s core principles, to never settle and defy MSRP.
In the beginning, KCL was about Heather and me putting bets on ourselves. Knowing that there was a better way even when people said there wasn’t. Since then, we’ve made it our mission to help you do the same because we’ve always known that the trick to having the life you want starts with believing you don’t have to settle.
Being a Krazy means more than clipping coupons and simply seeking out strike-through sale prices. It’s always been about taking charge of your life. It’s about the high you get when you can afford the impossible. The thrill of the chase. It’s about giving it all you’ve got because it’s never only about you. When others default to simply auto-applying coupons and talking about the same deal again, and again, and again… we’ve always gone farther and pushed harder to uncover your maximum savings potential. We pride ourselves on sweating the details and over the past 15 years, we’ve continued to hone and evolve our product and services to do just that… and so it’s with confidence that we’re declaring that KCL’s got savings in the bag.

We’re thrilled to unveil our brand-spankin’-new logo! Over the next couple months, you’ll see all the other visuals around KCL aligning behind the ‘savings in the bag’ direction. It’s still us. We’re still KCL. We’re just continuing to push ourselves farther while focusing on the core belief that there’s always a better price for those willing to fight for it. You never have to settle — on your dreams, on yourself, on the sale!
We can’t wait to share this exciting new chapter with you, our savings-obsessed community. Together, we’ll continue to uncover the best deals, unearth hidden discounts, and master the art of stretching those hard-earned dollars. Stay tuned for more incredible savings, valuable shopping hacks, and a whole lot of fun coming your way. The Krazy Coupon Lady is here to make your life a little better, one deal at a time!
Joanie & Heather
OG Krazies and Co-Founders, KCL
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