Vericast, the company that owns Valassis (publisher of the RetailMeNot Everyday coupon inserts), recently announced that as of February 24, the name RetailMeNot Everyday will go by its new/old (I’ll explain) name, “Save.” Why the name change again? What does this mean if you subscribe to the newspaper or receive coupon inserts in the mail?
Here’s the scoop on Save.
Psst! If you want to know how to stack your Save coupons with the best deals, download the KCL app and we’ll hook you up!
Vericast doesn’t own anymore.

Vericast purchased the coupon website a few years ago and changed the name of their RedPlum coupon inserts to RetailMeNot Everyday. Vericast then sold in 2020, which left them trying to figure out what to do with their RetailMeNot Everyday coupon inserts.
Change the name back, of course.
RetailMeNot Everyday’s new name, “Save,” isn’t so new.

Vericast decided to dust off the simple and to-the-point name “Save,” which they used way back in 1999, years before their RedPlum moniker.
Look for the relaunch of

In addition to changing the name of their inserts, Vericast announced they would relaunch the website, which will include a Coupon Book Finder to help couponers to find their inserts by zip code and sign up for the mailing list.
What’s RetailMeNot’s name change mean for you?

Not much. You will still find a large number of high-value coupons from top brands (that vary by region) in your weekly newspaper and mail. Watch for highlights about the change in the February 14 and 21 inserts before its official launch February 24.
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