I’ve been wondering lately, how much is a 12-pack of White Claw? And which store sells White Claw for the lowest price?
The prices for White Claw can fluctuate, especially when you factor in coupons. Due to the meteoric rise of the hard seltzer industry and White Claw’s giant corner on the market, White Claw is sold everywhere, including Costco, Walmart, and Whole Foods. I thought I’d do some research and find out which is the best store to buy White Claw, and what is the best price.
White Claw comes in 8 flavors and 3 different pack sizes.

White Claw comes in 8 flavors — black cherry, mango, natural lime, ruby grapefruit, raspberry, watermelon, lemon, tangerine — and you can buy them in these sizes:
- White Claw 12-pack (typically $15 – $20)
- White Claw 6-pack ($8.50 – $11.50)
- White Claw single ($2.50)
But, it’s all about that cost per can. Let me walk you through your options store by store, starting with the cheapest.
(Our stock-up price on White Claw is $1.25 or less per can. Check for current White Claw coupons, rebates, and deals.)
WinCo sells White Claw for $1.22 per can, which is the lowest price.

WinCo is a no-frills bulk grocer in the Western U.S., and their price of $14.68 for a 12-pack is the best anywhere. This works out to only $1.22 per can.
Costco sells White Claw for $1.25 per can.

Costco’s $14.99 per 12-pack is a solid deal, but be prepared to justify your brand loyalty against 24 cans of Kirkland brand hard seltzer for only $3 more.
Walgreens sells White Claw for the same price as Costco!

This price shocked me. The Walgreens price on White Claw comes outta nowhere and matches Costco’s? Cheaper than Walmart? I did not see this coming.
Walmart sells White Claw for $1.31 per can.

Walmart carries both White Claw variety packs for $15.73. That’s an everyday low price, with no rollbacks on this item in the last year.
Target sells White Claw for $1.33 per can.

Target sells a White Claw 12-pack for $15.99. Keep an eye out for White Claw coupons and rebates, often available in the Target app, to save you $1 – $3. After rebates, we’ve seen $14.49 for a 12-pack, or a cost per can of just $1.21.
Trader Joe’s sells White Claw for $1.33 per can.

Trader Joe’s price on the White Claw 12-pack is $15.99, which is the same as Target.
Albertsons sells White Claw for $1.42 per can.

Albertsons, a Safeway sister store, has an awful regular price of $19.99 for White Claw 12-packs, although I find they’re almost always on sale for $16.99. However — you gotta factor in their member-exclusive savings.
On the day I shopped, the case price dropped to $13.47 after applying a “Just for U” digital coupon. That’s the cheapest cost per can on our list, just $1.12.
Whole Foods sells White Claw for $1.42 per can.

I maintain there are plenty of good prices at Whole Foods, especially for Amazon Prime members. White Claw just doesn’t happen to be one.
Kroger sells White Claw for $1.42 per can.

Kroger most frequently sells 12-packs of White Claw for $16.99, which is technically a sale price down from $19, regular price.
That works out to $1.42 a can. The 6-packs (pictured above) are also usually on sale for $9.99, marked down from $10.49, regular price. That’s $1.67 per can, the most expensive price on this list.
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