Knowing which companies pay for college is crucial. Nobody wants to graduate $100K in debt! Sure, you can try for grants and scholarships, but those only go so far with the rising cost of college tuition. One smart work-around is to get a job with one of the many companies that pay for college while you earn a paycheck. Two birds, one stone.
Many people know about Starbucks paying for college tuition, but there are others too. In fact, lots of corporations have stellar tuition reimbursement jobs, and most people just don’t realize it.
Also, be sure to look into schools that offer free college tuition, along with all this free stuff for college students. No student should have to starve, so when you’re headed off to school, be sure to download The Krazy Coupon Lady app. We’ll help you save on groceries and other expenses that crop up too.
Here’s a quick and dirty list of some of the best jobs that pay for college out there. Below, you can find details for each of these, including who might be eligible, what eligibility entails, and more.
Jobs that pay for college 100%:
- Amazon
- Walmart, Sam’s Club
- Starbucks
- Target
- Lowe’s
- Papa John’s
Companies that pay for college (at least $5,000 per year):
- Home Depot
- Chipotle
- Microsoft
- Oracle
- Intel
- Gap, Banana Republic, Athleta, Old Navy
- JetBlue
- Chevron Station
- Pilot Flying J
- BP
- Verizon
- AT&T
- Wells Fargo
- Bank of America
- Fidelity
- Capital One
- Procter & Gamble
- Smucker’s
- Deloitte
- CarMax
- Qualcomm
Tuition reimbursement jobs (Under $5,000 per year):
- Best Buy
- FedEx
- Kroger
- Publix
- McDonald’s
- Apple
Companies that pay for college through “educational benefits” or scholarships, but not reimbursement:
- Meijer
- Chick-fil-A
1. Amazon is one of the best companies that pays for college — they cover it 100%.

In January 2022, Amazon introduced the Amazon’s Career Choice program. This means Amazon will pay for college tuition, fees, and even textbooks for eligible employees. You just have to clock in 90 days at the company and you’ll qualify. Funds are distributed annually for as long as you work for Amazon.
The program also funds high school completion, GEDs, and ESL certifications. Plus, employees can join Amazon’s in-house training program for technical training and certifications on-site.
2. The Home Depot offers up to $5,000 per year in tuition assistance.

Home Depot associates are eligible for tuition reimbursement after 90 days of service. Part-time hourly employees in this program receive up to $1,500 per year. Full-time hourly employees receive up to $3,000 per year, and salaried employees up to $5,000 per year.
Half of Home Depot’s reimbursement goes toward books and course fees, and the other half covers tuition-related fees.
3. Walmart and Sam’s Club offer one of the best tuition reimbursement jobs — college is completely covered.

Through their Live Better U program, Walmart (including Sam’s Club) has become one of the best companies that pay for college. Associates can earn degrees in programs like business, supply chain management, and cybersecurity without going into debt. Walmart also covers 100% of the cost of tuition and books.
Employees can also receive college credit for paid training at Walmart Academies. Associates have already earned over $317 million in college credits this way.
Here are the colleges covered by Live Better U:
- Bellevue University
- EnGen
- Ivy Tech Community College
- Johnson & Wales University
- Kenzie Academy
- Louisiana State University
- Morehouse College
- North Carolina A&T State University
- Oregon State University
- Penn Foster
- Pathstream
- Rio Salado College
- Smart Horizons
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Spelman College
- Springboard
- University of Arizona
- University of Denver
- University of Massachusetts Global
- University of Arkansas
- Wilmington University
4. Chipotle offers up to $5,250 for college costs.

Chipotle offers educational assistance through Guild Education. Both part- and full-time employees are eligible. The program provides up to $5,250 in tuition assistance per year, but they’ve been known to sometimes cover up to 100% of the cost. This just depends on the degree you choose.
Plus, there are more perks. You can earn a third of your degree without going into a classroom at all, and every time you get a promotion, you’ll earn credit hours towards the degree.
Any employees who have worked for at least 180 days are eligible.
5. Starbucks offers full tuition reimbursement for employees’ bachelor’s degrees.
The Starbucks College Achievement Plan (SCAP) has been in place for almost ten years. It’s a partnership with Arizona State University, and it’s a good reason to sling lattes. Starbucks is widely known as one of the most generous companies that pays for college.
Both full- and part-time employees who have put in least 20 hours per week are eligible after three months. I’m talking about full tuition reimbursement for every year of college! Note that this benefit only applies to those earning their first bachelor’s degree.
Also, you don’t have to sign your future away to Starbucks. There’s no commitment to stay with the company after graduation. How awesome is that?!
Bonus: Starbucks offers the same SCAP benefit to one member of the family (in addition to the employee) if you’re a military member. So veterans and military members could send a child to college for free!
6. Best Buy offers $3,000 – $5,250 in tuition reimbursements.
To be eligible for Best Buy’s tuition assistance program, you must be an active, full-time employee. This means you work at least 32 hours a week and you’ve completed six months of employment.
If this is you, Best Buy will reimburse up to $3,500 per year for approved expenses at the undergraduate level. For the graduate level, you can expect up to $5,250 per year for coursework pertaining to your job.
The retailer also has partnerships with select colleges and universities where your child may qualify for tuition discounts.
Related: How the Apple Music Student Discount Works
7. Target offers “debt free” tuition assistance.
- In the fall of 2021, Target launched “Dream to Be,” which promises to cover tuition for eligible full- and part-time employees. One of the requirements is attending a Guild network college or university. There are over 40 participating institutions to choose from, and you must study an eligible program like business management, design, operations, computer science and more.
Plus, you can get reimbursed for educational supplies like textbooks and course fees.
8. UPS offers up to $25,000 in tuition assistance ($5,250 per year).

UPS has been in the tuition assistance game since 1997. Since then, they’ve funded countless college dreams.
Even in a part-time UPS position, you can get tuition help. This is thanks to the UPS Education Assistance program, where employees receive $5,250 per calendar year, with a lifetime maximum of $25,000, in assistance. Best part? Eligibility begins the day you’re hired.
Additionally, employees can take advantage of UPS training programs for career advancement within the company.
9. FedEx will pay up to $5,000 a year in tuition assistance.

In order to qualify for FedEx’s tuition assistance program, you must be studying something job-related. They’re interested in helping you with career advancement opportunities at FedEx. Glassdoor says they offer part-time employees up to $2,500 annually and full-time employees up to $5,000.
10. Kroger gives an “education benefit” of up to $3,500 per year.

To qualify for Kroger’s “Feed Your Future” program, you’ll need to work there for at least six months. But once you’ve done that, you’re able to receive $3,500 toward college for up to eight years. This comes to a total of $21,000 over the course of your Kroger career.
11. Publix will pay up to $16,000 in tuition reimbursement ($4,000 annually).

In order to be eligible to participate in Publix’s tuition reimbursement program, you need to work an average of ten hours a week.
After that, as long as you’re taking classes that directly affect your ability to perform the current job, they’ll reimburse you. So you’d want to focus on occupational or technical programs to help prepare you for a future role within the company.
Employees studying at 4-year colleges or universities can receive up to $4,000 annually, with a lifetime limit of $16,000. Enrolled at a 2-year community college, technical program, or individual course program? You can receive up to $2,200 annually, with a lifetime limit of $4,400.
12. Meijer offers a bunch of $5,000 and $10,000 scholarships.

While supermarket chain Meijer doesn’t have an across-the-board tuition assistance program, they do offer scholarships. Team members (and children of team members!) are eligible to win Fred & Lena Meijer Scholarships. The amounts come in $5,000 and $10,000 increments.
13. Lowe’s covers college expenses for eligible employees.

Like Chipotle and Target, Lowe’s comes in as one of the best companies that pay for college. They offer debt-free education through Guild.
Full-time employees who have been with Lowe’s for at least a full year are eligible for Lowe’s Tuition Reimbursement Program. You must be pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree to get debt-free education. Any studies beyond that are eligible for $2,500 per year reimbursement.
14. CVS will pay up to $1,500 a year for full-time employees.

CVS will pay up to $1,500 per year for full-time employees’ education. The only stipulation is that your degree is job-related.
15. McDonald’s will pay $2,500 – $5,250 per year under their tuition assistance program.
Through McDonald’s Archways to Opportunity program, full-time managers can get up to $5,250 a year in tuition assistance. This includes Store Manager Trainees, Certified Swing Managers, Department Managers, and General Managers.
If you work a minimum of 15 hours a week in other capacities, you can get up to $2,500. You just need to have been with the company for at least 90 days. This includes Floor Supervisors, Shift Manager Trainees, Restaurant Crew, and Primary Maintenance.
McDonald’s will reimburse you for tuition and fees not covered by scholarships or grants.
16. Chick-fil-A’s Leadership Scholarship pays up to $25,000 for higher education.
Chick-fil-A’s Remarkable Futures scholarship program offers two yearly scholarships. The True Inspiration Scholarship is worth $25,000, and the Leadership Scholarship is worth $2,500. Chick-fil-A has awarded well over $19 million in total during one month, with 12 team members walking away with $25,000 each.
You can use the scholarship money toward any area of study at any accredited university. This includes 2- and 4-year colleges, online programs, and technical or vocational schools.
17. Apple offers tuition assistance for good grades.

While Apple doesn’t make the specifics of their tuition assistance program public, they absolutely have one.
According to Apple employees on Glassdoor, anyone maintain a “B” grade average qualifies for up to $5,000 in tuition per year.
18. Google will match student loan payments up to $2,500 per year and help with tuition.
In 2021 Google introduced a new program to help reduce the amount of student loan debt their employees are carrying. They do this by matching employees’ student loan payments up to $2,500 per year.
That’s on top of Google’s existing tuition reimbursement benefits, which include up to $12,000 per year for employee-students who get As or Bs.
19. Microsoft offers up to $10,000 per year in tuition assistance.

Tuition assistance is part of Microsoft’s listed employee benefits. Even though the official website doesn’t spell out what that looks like, employees say Microsoft will pay up to $10,000 per year in tuition assistance. As long as you’ve worked for Microsoft for at least two years, you’re eligible.
20. Oracle offers up to $5,250 per year in reimbursements.

All regular, full-time employees can participate in Oracle’s education tuition reimbursement program. Your course of study must be related to your current job or anticipated job within the company, and you must pass the course with a grade of a B- or better.
21. Intel’s tuition assistance program offers $50,000 per program.

Technology giant Intel proves they’re one of the best companies that pay for college. Intel provides their own in-house training organization called “Intel University,” which offers over 7,000 courses to help foster workers’ career goals. Employees may also qualify for financial assistance for work-related courses outside of Intel as well.
Intel’s tuition assistance program offers $50,000 per program, including tuition, books, and certain fees.
22. Gap, Inc. (including Banana Republic, Athleta, and Old Navy) reimburses up to $5,000 per year.
Employees of Gap, Inc. — which includes Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, and Athleta — are eligible for the tuition reimbursement program after working for the company for a year.
After that, Gap will pay for two classes per term, plus two books per term. This is up to $5,000 per calendar year.
23. JetBlue’s scholar program pays crew members up to $30,000 towards a master’s program.

JetBlue’s tuition assistance, called Master’s Pathways program, offers crew members a variety of benefits. Namely, tuition discounts and access to support services via their partnership with Thomas Edison State University, CUNY, and others.
The airline also offers online courses and personalized coaching to crew members seeking an undergraduate degree.
24. Chevron will reimburse up to 75% of tuition costs.

One of Chevron Station’s big benefits is their tuition reimbursement program geared toward employees studying something related to your job track. It’s pretty substantial — 75% of expenses!
25. Pilot Flying J provides up to $18,000 of tuition assistance.

The chain of truck stops offers a hefty benefit of up to $18,000 to help pay for college. You just have to qualify, but the good news is that both part-time and full-time employees are eligible.
26. BP offers up to 90% reimbursement of tuition, books, and other fees.

BP offers tuition assistance for eligible employees and their children. Full-time employees are eligible for this benefit immediately upon hire, which is rare and pretty amazing. Plus, BP offers up to 90% reimbursement of tuition, books, and other qualified expenses through an accredited institution.
The only potential hurdles are that you need approval from your manager before registering, and you must get a C or higher in your classes in order to receive reimbursement.
27. Verizon Wireless will pay up to $8,000 a year in tuition assistance.
According to Verizon’s Tuition Assistance Program, employees can get reimbursement and assistance for approved courses or degree programs they take through an accredited institution.
In partnership with Bellevue University, Verizon offers full-time employees $13,250 a year and part-time employees up to $8,000 a year. Your immediate family members also qualify for up to $2,500 a year, which is awesome!
28. AT&T offers up to $5,250 per year in tuition assistance to managers.

Eligible part- and full-time AT&T employees can qualify for up to $5,250 annually in tuition aid. That amount varies if you’re a union-represented employee.
29. Wells Fargo reimburses eligible tuition expenses up to $5,000 annually.

There’s not much information that explains Wells Fargo’s maximum limit or what’s considered “eligible tuition expenses.” However, we do know Wells Fargo will offer employees up to $5,000 annually, as well as scholarship opportunities for your children. These can be up to $3,000 per year.
30. Bank of America will cover up to $7,500 in school expenses.

Under the Bank of America Tuition Assistance program, 100% of tuition-related expenses are paid — up to $7,500 per year — for job-related programs.
If you’ve been employed by Bank of America for six months and you work at least 20 hours a week, you’re eligible for this one. Just be sure to attend an accredited school listed in the American Council on Education website.
31. Fidelity offers 90% tuition reimbursement.

According to Glassdoor, full-time employees with at least six months of service are eligible for the Fidelity’s Tuition Reimbursement Program. Employees can get reimburses for 90% of certain costs up to $10,000 per year, as long as the courses you take qualify. This means being both at an accredited college or university and being work related. Even if you’re taking something that’s part of a work-related degree or certification program, you might still qualify.
32. Capital One pays up to $5,000 with their Education Assistance program.

According to Glassdoor, Capital One’s Education Assistance program reimburses full-time employees up to $5,000 a year. This benefit covers all courses you might take at an accredited school. Even if they’re not work-related courses! Anything that’s for your personal or career growth is eligible.
33. Procter & Gamble will pay up to $40,000 in tuition and fees for pre-approved courses.

Procter & Gamble’s tuition reimbursement program offers 80% reimbursement of pre-approved tuition and fees with a lifetime cap of $40,000.
To qualify for this benefit, you must choose courses or programs related to current or possible positions at Procter & Gamble.
34. Smucker’s offers up to $5,700 a year for company-approved college courses.

The J.M. Smucker career & benefits page is sparse on exact details about how their tuition assistance program works. But I talked to an HR representative who said the company reimburses up to $5,700 a year towards tuition for company-approved courses.
You must maintain a B or higher to get the reimbursement. Plan to apply for the program through your manager.
35. Deloitte offers $10,000 per year in tuition reimbursement.

Glassdoor reports that Deloitte’s tuition assistance program offers up to $10,000 a year after one year of employment.
Additionally, “top-performing professionals” can apply for the Deloitte Graduate School Assistance Program. This offers participants full tuition reimbursement for postgraduate school after two years of employment. Qualifying employees also receive a “technology allowance” for computer-related purchases. Plus, an opportunity to return to Deloitte as a Senior Consultant. The company also negotiates discounts for graduate school entrance exam preparation classes.
Bonus: Deloitte offers a student loan consolidation and refinancing program in which employees can combine their existing loans into a single loan with one monthly payment.
36. CarMax will pay up to $5,250 a year for full-time associates.

Under CarMax’s tuition assistance program, full-time associates can get up to $5,250 a year reimbursed, and part-time associates can get up to $2,500. The assistance covers tuition, books, and any course-related fees. Plus, it can be used towards any field of study as long as you average a “C” or better.
37. Qualcomm offers up to $5,250 per year in tuition assistance.

Eligible Qualcomm employees may receive reimbursements based on the approved program of study. For continuing education, 2-year degrees, 4-year undergraduate degrees, or certified programs, employees may get up to $5,250 per year.
Employees in graduate and postgraduate degree programs can get up to $10,125 per year. Better grades mean more money back.
38. Papa John’s offers 100% tuition reimbursement for corporate employees.

In partnership with Purdue University, Papa John’s Dough for Degrees tuition reimbursement program now reimburses 100% of any corporate employee’s tuition. You just have to work for 90 days at 20+ hours a week to be eligible. Papa John’s will cover undergraduate and graduate courses in business, business administration, and information technology. All classes are online.
39. Chili’s covers up to 25% of employees’ tuition.
Chili’s will cover up to 25% of your tuition costs if you’ve worked there for at least three months (90 days). Additionally, you need to be working toward a job-related certificate or degree.
40. Work for a college full time and go to college for free!

Who knew that your own school could technically be one of many companies that pay for college? If you work as full-time staff for any of the 672 worldwide private universities that are part of the tuition exchange network, you get full tuition and fees covered. And not just for yourself but also for your partner and dependents. I’m talking dependents attending at any of the universities in the program, not just the one where you work.
Best part? You don’t have to be a professor or a teacher at all. You can qualify in any full-time staff position. This means you could work as an office assistant or on the grounds crew full time and go to school 100% FREE at some of the most expensive and exclusive private schools in the world.
Here are some colleges in the program:
- Pepperdine University
- University of San Diego
- Syracuse University
- Gonzaga University
- Tulane University
- George Washington University
- Franklin University in Switzerland.
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