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The sale price of the creamer is $3.50 (the shelf tag at my store showed $3.99 as the price, but the bottle rang up for $3.50 as shown on Kroger’s website) and the printed coupon will deduct an additional $1.25 when applied. You’ll pay $2.25 at checkout, and then download the Ibotta app on your phone (if you haven’t already done so) and be sure to add the offer to your account. Take a photo of the store receipt and submit it when prompted by the app. The offer can be claimed up to three times per account.
If you want to spend less time in the store, you can create a grocery pickup order online. Are you new to using grocery pickup services? Here are some tips to help you learn more about Kroger grocery pickup. Are you a new Kroger shopper? Check out KCL’s Kroger couponing tips to learn everything you need to know.
Do you want even more savings? We’ve rounded up the top KCL deals of the week to make it easy for you to save money.
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