1. Tear out the pages in a phone book to wrap breakables.

2. Label boxes with brightly colored duct tape to easily identify where they go.

Via Super Money
3. Place styrofoam plates in between breakable plates to keep them safe.

Via The Frugal Girls
4. Take a photo of connected electronics before the move to know how to reconnect them.

5. Use plastic wrap under lids to seal opened bottles.

Related: 15 Brilliant Household Cleaning Hacks
6. Wrap breakables in clothing and linens.

Via Buzzfeed
7. Use empty wine boxes for packing wine glasses.

Via Just Sayin
8. Save on moving boxes by using luggage.

9. Rub a bar of white soap over nail holes to make them less visible.

Via Joyfully Home
10. Cut a hole in the bottom of a trash bag and slip hangers through.

Via Budget Dumpster
Related: 10 Ridiculously Amazing Ways to Repurpose a Pool Noodle
11. Keep silverware together by wrapping the entire holder in plastic wrap.

Via Wildcat Movers
12. Arrange plates vertically in boxes to avoid damage.
13. Pack electric cords in empty toilet paper rolls.

Via Answer Bag
14. Create handles by cutting out upside-down triangles three inches from the top of a box.

Via Martha Stewart
15. Put the items you’ll need right away in a laundry basket.
Related:11 Sanity-Saving Road Trip

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