Calling all Kroger shoppers: if you don’t have the Kroger app yet, today’s the day.
The Kroger app is so helpful for keeping track of everything you’ll need for your shopping trip: coupons, grocery lists and even where to find your items in the store so you don’t have to waste time searching.
1. Load Kroger app coupons to your Kroger Plus Card in the app.

You can find tons of digital coupons — both store and manufacturer offers — to load on your Kroger account through the free Kroger app.
App coupons will come off when you scan your account barcode or enter your phone number at checkout in store, or when you pick up an order.
2. Set up notifications for Freebie Fridays and other great deals.

Under your account settings, turn on push notifications, texts and emails that will alert you to any promotions.
When you sign up your email, you’ll also get a bunch of personalized offers.
RELATED: Kroger’s Mega Sale: What You Need to Know
3. Use the barcode scanner to check prices or add items to your list.

Scan any item to pull up its current selling price and add it to your shopping list or online order.
You can also use it to find where an item is located in the store by looking at the aisle number listed.
Unfortunately, the Kroger app will not tell you if there is a coupon available for an item scanned.
4. Create your own shopping list in the Kroger app.

In the app, you can create a shopping list and then sort it by aisle or department to make checking off items soooo much easier.
5. Create a list of regular purchases.

Add all the items you buy on a regular basis to your Regulars list. The next time you want to order something or add it to your grocery list, it’ll be easy to find.
6. Order groceries on the app and still use both digital and paper coupons.

Once you’ve added items to your grocery list, send them to your cart to have them either delivered to you or ordered for pickup. This is a GREAT time-saver.
Kroger also lets you use coupons with your pickup order. Save all the digital coupons you’ll be using in the app AND bring any paper coupons with you to give to an associate. Your total after coupons won’t show up in the app when you place the order, but will show up on your receipt.
RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Kroger Grocery Pickup (aka Clicklist)
7. Don’t worry about losing your receipt — you can find it in your app for easy returns. 

Use the digital receipt in your app to return items instead of worrying about where you put your paper receipt.
In the My Purchases tab, you can find your past, pending or canceled online and in-store orders along with receipts.
8. Find special promotions to earn more fuel points and check how many you have.

With the Kroger Fuel Points Program, you earn one point for every $1.00 you spend at a Kroger store and double points when you buy gift cards. Recently we saw a promotion for 3x fuel points when you purchase floral, produce, meat, and seafood. You can check your points in the app under the Fuel Rewards tab.
9. Use the app to take surveys and earn 50 extra fuel points.

Sometimes your receipt will come with an offer at the bottom that offers bonus fuel points just for taking a survey. Go into the app under the “more” tab and click “receipt survey.” It’s a quick and easy way to earn 50 points!
10. Manage and fill prescriptions.

Easily fill your own prescriptions through the Kroger app. If you’re not sure which Kroger around you has a pharmacy, you can also check that through the in-app pharmacy locator.
TIP: You also earn 50 extra fuel points for every prescription you fill.
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