Are you somebody who likes to add Coffee mate to your morning cup of coffee? If so, you might be able to get some money back from a recent $10 million settlement. You could get at least $5 — or up to $40 — for just a few minutes of your time.
But how do you know if you’re eligible, and what do you need to do to file a claim? In this article, we’ll give you the details about the Nestle Coffee mate Class Action Settlement, including who’s eligible, how much compensation you can expect, and how to file a claim before the mid-March deadline.
After a couple of coffee-related food recalls — I’m looking at you, Starbucks Frappuccino recall — we welcome news of this coffee-related settlement.
Here’s what you need to know:
Coffee mate is paying $10 million because customers say they misrepresented how many servings each bottle held.

Customers sued Nestle for false advertising and misrepresentation, saying the company misrepresented how many servings were in their Coffee mate product when following the labeling instructions.
While Nestle didn’t agree (or admit wrongdoing) that the creamers were inaccurately labeled, they agreed to settle for $10 million to avoid court fees, expenses, and disruption to their business.
If you bought Coffee mate over the last few years, you may be due some money.

To be eligible for a piece of the $10 million Nestle Coffee mate class action settlement, you must be a U.S. resident and have purchased one of the following products for personal use between Jan. 1, 2017, and Dec. 8, 2022:
- Caramel and Coconut
- Pumpkin Spice
- Peppermint Mocha
- Vanilla Latte
- Vanilla Caramel
- Vanilla Caramel Sugar-Free
- Original Fat-Free
- Original
- Hazelnut
- Hazelnut Sugar-Free
- French Vanilla
- French Vanilla Sugar-Free
- Creamy Chocolate
- Creamy Chocolate Sugar-Free
- Caramel Latte
- Caramel and Coconut
For a complete list of qualifying Coffee-Mate flavors, sizes, and product (UPC) codes, visit the official settlement website at
You’ll get at least $5 for filing a Coffee mate settlement claim, even with no proof of purchase.
There are two categories of payment for the Nestle Class Action Lawsuit: claims with no proof of purchase, and claims with a proof of purchase. Every household can only qualify for one claim per household — and you can file either a “no proof” or “with proof” claim, but not both.
Customers who can’t prove they bought qualifying Nestle Coffee mate creamers or powders can still get up to $0.50 per product, capped at $5 for 10 products. If you have proof of purchase, like credit card statements or receipts, you can get up to 30% of what you paid per unit, up to a total of $40.
Make sure to file your Coffee mate claim by March 14, 2023; payouts will follow soon after.

To file a claim for the Coffee mate settlement, submit a claim form electronically at You have to file your claim with a class action member ID. (If you don’t have one, you can register to receive one.)
It’s unclear exactly when the settlement money for the Nestle Coffee mate Class Action Settlement will be distributed. Once the March 14, 2023 claims deadline has passed, the Class Action Administrator will review the claims and determine who’s eligible to get paid. How long it takes for payouts to go out will depend on the number of claims submitted and how long it takes to review and process those claims.
We keep tabs on a ton of class action settlements, and typically, once all claims are received, payouts are sent within a couple of months.
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