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If you don’t have a Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card yet, you can sign up for one by visiting, or you can stop by the customer service desk in stores. If you prefer to spend less time in the store, you can create a grocery pickup order online. Learn more about Kroger grocery pickup with these helpful tips.
Are you new to shopping at Kroger or affiliate stores? Let us teach you everything you need to know about couponing at Kroger. You can also download the free KCL app and set Kroger or a Kroger affiliate store such as Fred Meyer, King Soopers, or Fry’s as one of your preferred stores. You’ll receive deal alerts, and we’ll break down for you which coupons and promos you need to get those deals.
With rising food prices, couponing is essential to saving you more money. Learn how to save on every grocery trip so you never have to pay full price. You can also download this stock-up guide to know what prices to look out for based on the product while building your stockpile.
Be sure to subscribe to the KCL newsletter to receive more deals on groceries, home essentials, appliances, and more delivered straight to your inbox.
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