Try our shopping scenario to score these five products for just $0.73 each after sale prices, digital coupons, and cash-back credits.
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Pay Out of Pocket: $7.96
Final Cost: $4.36
Final Cost per Item: $0.73
Savings: $12.68
Shop at Kroger this week to score some great deals on Gatorade Fast Twitch energy drinks, Cheetos mac and cheese, Two Good yogurt cups, store-brand large white eggs, and All laundry detergent pacs. You’ll need to use your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card to receive the lowest advertised sale prices and to access digital coupons. If you don’t have an account yet, you can sign up for a free account on the Kroger website or stop by the customer service desk in the store. Visit or download the store app to clip digital coupons. You’ll also need to download the Ibotta app and submit a photo of the store receipt to receive cash back on select items.
If you prefer a quicker shopping experience, you can create a grocery pickup order. Choose a convenient day and time for pickup, park in the designated area, and call the provided number to have a store employee bring your groceries to your vehicle. Make sure to request a paper receipt during pickup to be eligible for the Ibotta credit. Learn more about Kroger grocery pickup services in this tips article.
If you’re new to shopping at Kroger or one of their affiliate stores such as Fry’s, King Soopers, or Fred Meyer, check out these Kroger couponing tips to get started. And don’t miss our Kroger Mega Sale shopping tips to help you save even more.
How does the Ibotta app work? Learn everything you need to know about the Ibotta app in this tips article.
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