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Get a carton of Breyers ice cream for less than a dollar when you stack the Kroger sale price with a digital coupon and a Fetch Rewards offer.
First, sign up for a Kroger Plus Shopper's Card if you don't already have one.
Next, visit or download the store app to clip the Breyers digital coupon.
Buy one carton of Breyers ice cream.
Scan your Shopper's Card at the register (or enter the phone number associated with the account), and pay just $2.99 per tub after the coupon is automatically applied.
The coupon has a limit of one.
Download the Fetch Rewards app on your smartphone.
Submit a photo of your receipt to Fetch, and you'll receive 2,000 points back (which equals $2) upon approval.
You can shop in stores, or you can create a grocery pickup order online. Don't forget to request a paper copy of the receipt so that you'll be eligible to claim the Fetch Rewards credit. Learn more about Kroger grocery pickup before you shop.
If you’re new to shopping at Kroger (or an affiliate such as Fry’s or Fred Meyer), learn how to coupon at Kroger.
Be sure to download The Krazy Coupon Lady app on your smartphone to have access to all the hottest deals right at your fingertips.
Text KROGER to 57299 and be the first to know about the best Kroger deals.

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