If you haven’t heard, the last retailer we expected to hop on the resale bandwagon just did. The online-only fast fashion retailer SheIn just launched SheIn Exchange, a marketplace where shoppers can list previously owned SheIn items so others can buy them at a discount.
Selling your used clothing online can be a great way to make money on the side, not to mention the environmental benefits of recycling your wardrobe. But SheIn isn’t exactly known for their sustainability efforts (we talk about that a lot in our guide to whether or not SheIn is legit). So at first glance, their resale program seems like a Band-Aid attempt to make up for all the bad press and customer complaints circling the China-based retailer.
To find out what the program is all about, we dug into the new SheIn Exchange program (including all that fine print in their terms and conditions) to give you the rundown. Here are the most important things you should know before you try SheIn Exchange for yourself:
1. You can only resell previous SheIn purchases through SheIn Exchange.

No, you can’t just sell any old thing you have lying around the house through SheIn Exchange. You can only resell items you purchased from SheIn. This means you’ll have to have an existing SheIn user account with previous SheIn purchases listed in your order history. If you shop at SheIn a lot, this isn’t an issue. But if you don’t, you won’t have a ton of items (if any) to list on SheIn Exchange.
2. SheIn takes 5% of the profits from each sale.
SheIn takes 5% of every sale made through SheIn Exchange. While 5% is better than the 20% commission Poshmark takes on items over $15, it’s still a portion of the sale you have to give up. Though this doesn’t sound like a lot, SheIn items are already super cheap to begin with. And you won’t be able to sell items for more than their original price.
Related: Another resale platform we dug into is Mercari, which takes 10% from each sale.
3. Don’t expect to make a ton of money reselling your SheIn items.

Again — SheIn prices are already set pretty low. That’s why most people buy from them in the first place. So you won’t get a big return when you resell items through SheIn Exchange. Especially when you factor in the 5% SheIn takes from each sale.
Related: Want cash for selling used items? Use these apps to make more money with your resale hustle.
4. SheIn sets a maximum price for the items you list.
SheIn sets the maximum price for an item when you first create the listing. You’ll be able to adjust the price after that, but it has to be equal to or less than the maximum sale price they specify. Once you set the price for your item, you won’t be able to change it afterward. However, you can delete your listing from SheIn Exchange at any time.
5. You can only access SheIn Exchange through their mobile app or mobile site.

If you head over to SheIn.com looking for the exchange program, you won’t find it — you have to access it through the SheIn mobile app (iOS / Android) or from their mobile site on your phone.
Don’t forget, you also need a SheIn user account in order to resell items. When you choose the items you want to sell on SheIn Exchange, you’re selecting them from your order history, not just any ol’ product listing online.
Easiest way to access SheIn Exchange:
- Open the SheIn mobile app on your phone.
- Tap the “Me” icon on the bottom right corner of your screen.
- Under “More Services,” select “SheIn Exchange.”
6. SheIn doesn’t guarantee your protection as a buyer or seller.

If you think selling on Facebook Marketplace is a risk, I wouldn’t get too comfy with SheIn Exchange, either. Here’s a quote straight out of the SheIn Exchange terms and conditions:
“We have no control over and do not guarantee the existence, quality, timing, condition, safety, or legality of items offered for sale through the SheIn Exchange, the truth or accuracy of listings; the integrity, responsibility, or any actions of any users; the ability of Sellers to sell Items; the ability of Buyers to pay for Items; that a Buyer and Seller will actually complete a transaction; or that a Buyer will return an Item if a return has been authorized through SheIn Exchange.”
SheIn says they’ll help resolve any disputes or problems under certain circumstances, but basically, they can’t be liable if you get scammed.
7. Buyers have to pay for shipping, but the seller decides how it’s paid.
I mean, all legal fine print is hard to read. But I do it all the time and this part of the process still confused me at first. So let me try to break it down for you:
The seller can decide to pay for shipping and build the cost into the price of their listed item. If this is the case, the seller will pay the shipping fee to SheIn. But if the seller decides not to include the shipping fee in the listing price, the buyer will pay the shipping fee to SheIn once they purchase it.
Either way, the buyer covers the cost of shipping whether it’s part of the item’s price or a separate payment to SheIn. Shipping costs depend on the weight of the item but range from $3.99 to $19.99.
Related: We found all the stores that offer free shipping, from Amazon to Zappos.
8. All purchases through SheIn Exchange are final, with only a few exceptions.

The normal SheIn Return Policy doesn’t apply here. All SheIn Exchange items are considered “final sale,” so no returns, exchanges, or refunds are allowed. However, SheIn will give you a break in two special circumstances:
- If the item you purchased does not materially and significantly match the description of the seller’s listing
- If you receive a different item or if the item you receive is missing parts (and it can’t be worn or used as intended)
If you’re a buyer and find yourself in one of these situations, you can request a return by reporting the issue to SheIn Exchange Customer Service. You can only return items if you haven’t yet confirmed or accepted the delivery, and you must report the issue to SheIn Exchange Customer Service within three days of receiving the item. Otherwise, you won’t qualify for a return.
9. You can’t use SheIn credits, gift cards, promotional coupons, or points toward SheIn Exchange purchases.
All those SheIn perks that help you save on already low prices aren’t welcome in the resale world. So you can’t use any coupons, points, gift cards, or anything in your SheIn wallet on SheIn Exchange purchases.
10. All in all, is SheIn Exchange worth it?

That depends. If you’re a SheIn frequent flyer, the program could help you get money back on items you no longer want. Just don’t expect to walk away with a huge profit.
SheIn clothes aren’t made with high-quality materials, so they’re usually only good for a few wears at most. To me, that makes the whole “resale” thing feel like a risk. How much use will you get out of a SheIn dress that’s already been worn?
Also, not being able to use promo coupons or points toward your SheIn Exchange purchase is a big downside. You could probably spend less money on a brand-new SheIn item when you factor in these types of savings.
Overall, I think it’s great that SheIn is working on their sustainability efforts. But if they really wanted to encourage shoppers to recycle their purchases, they wouldn’t take the 5% commission on every sale. In my honest opinion, you’re better off selling your used items through other resale programs. You could sell all your SheIn items through Facebook Marketplace without having to give up 5% of your profits — and you can truly set your own prices. Plus, you can sell anything on Facebook Marketplace, not just your previous SheIn purchases.
Related: For more resale options, check out these places to make the most money selling used clothes.
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