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Treat your furry pal to Pup-Peroni Bacon Flavor Dog Treats; Amazon has a good deal on a 10-ounce bag. Typically priced at $5.99, it’s on sale for $5.32. To score extra savings, select Subscribe & Save for 5% or 10% off. Then clip the coupon for $1.60 and pay as little as $3.19.
Subscribe & Save allows you to schedule regular deliveries, whether it’s once a week or once every six months, so you’ll always have your most used items on hand. Learn more about how Amazon Subscribe & Save works to save you time and money. If you need to cancel an Amazon subscription, you can do so in three easy ways, but be sure to cancel after your order ships so you’ll lock in the best price.
If this is an everyday treat for your pups, consider now a good time to stock up without having to go to the store. Then your future deliveries will be automatic once you select your delivery schedule. You may be wondering “what is a stock-up price?”. Use this handy stock-up guide to help you while shopping for the best deals.
Prefer to shop in stores? I found a 5.6-ounce bag at Target for $3.79 and a 22.5-ounce bag for $11.99.
Check out these pet coupons and deals to save more and see the ultimate pet savings guide.
Shopping on Amazon not only gives you Amazon Prime benefits, but you’ll also have a chance to earn Amazon promotional credit. Believe it or not, you can even get free stuff on Amazon.
If you’re looking for more ways to save money on groceries, learn how to save on every grocery trip with or without free printable grocery coupons. Find out more ways to save through inflation so you can shop for more essentials and spend less.
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